Number of normal magic order-6 squares (estimate)
gb32 source code - Walter Trump - - 2001
sqWin("2001-10-17 - Version 2.19")
'magic ~ord6~max34~mag99
Proc sqWin(ByVal s As String)
FullW 1 : Me.Caption = "regular magic 6x6-squares - Walter Trump - (c) 2001-08-31 to " + s
: Me.AutoRedraw = 1 : Me.SetFont "Courier New", _Y Div 50, 1
: Me.ControlBox = False : Me.Visible = True
Proc sqInitVar
Global StartTime As Double = Timer
Global Nos As Int = 0 // Number of squares for a special corner
Global Int aTotal, bTotal, Total // Number of total squares
Global StoRed As Double = 1 // Stochastic Reduction
Global TrfRed As Double = 24 // Transformation Reduction
' start 1x ----------
StoRed *= 01 // i11 fix
StoRed *= 01 // i21 for
StoRed *= 01 // i31 for
StoRed *= 01 // i41 for
StoRed *= 01 // i51 for
StoRed *= 01 // i61 calc
' updiag
StoRed *= 01 // i16 for
StoRed *= 29 // i52 rand
StoRed *= 28 // i25 rand
StoRed *= 01 // i34 w
StoRed *= 01 // i43 w
' col 2 -------------
StoRed *= 25 // i26 rand
StoRed *= 24 // i22 rand
StoRed *= 01 // i23 w
StoRed *= 01 // i24 w
' downdiag
StoRed *= 21 // i55 rand
StoRed *= 20 // i66 rand
StoRed *= 19 // i33 rand
StoRed *= 01 // i44 w
' col 5 -------------
StoRed *= 17 // i56 rand
StoRed *= 16 // i53 rand
StoRed *= 01 // i54 w
' row 6 -------------
StoRed *= 01 // i36 w
StoRed *= 01 // i46 w
' col 3 -------------
StoRed *= 01 // i32 w
StoRed *= 01 // i32 w
' col 4 -------------
StoRed *= 01 // i42 w
StoRed *= 01 // i45 w
' row 3 -------------
StoRed *= 01 // i13 w
StoRed *= 01 // i63 w
' row 4 -------------
StoRed *= 01 // i14 w
StoRed *= 01 // i64 w
' Lastcells
StoRed *= 01 // i12 w
StoRed *= 01 // i62 w
StoRed *= 01 // i15 calc
StoRed *= 01 // i65 correct
Global Int i = 0 , s245, s24 // Counter
Global Int i11, i21, i31, i41, i51, i61 // Numbers in the 1. row
Global Int i12, i22, i32, i42, i52, i62 // Numbers in the 2. row
Global Int i13, i23, i33, i43, i53, i63 // Numbers in the 3. row
Global Int i14, i24, i34, i44, i54, i64 // Numbers in the 4. row
Global Int i15, i25, i35, i45, i55, i65 // Numbers in the 5. row
Global Int i16, i26, i36, i46, i56, i66 // Numbers in the 6. row
Global Byte st(-100 ... 200) // Status of a number (1 = available, 0 = not available)
ArrayFill st(), 0
For i = -1 To 34 : st(i) = 1 : End For // Numbers from -1 to 34 are available
' We use numbers from -1 to 34, this allows faster calculations of random-numbers
' and makes a magic constant of 99.
' InitFile
Global String FileRoot = "Normal-6x6-" + App.ComputerName + "-", sqFile = ""
i = 0 : Do : i++ : Exit If i > 99 : sqFile = FileRoot + Dec(i, 2) + ".txt"
Loop While Exist(sqFile)
Open sqFile for Output As # 1
Print # 1, "Normal magic 6x6-squares Estimate - Walter Trump 2001-08"
Print # 1, "Reduction by transformations:"; TrfRed
Print # 1, "Stochastic Reduction:"; StoRed
Commit # 1
End Proc
Proc sqMain
Print AT(32, 1); "a = "; : Print AT(45, 1); "b = ";
Print AT(1, 3); " Magic 6x6-squares - Estimation"
Print " Exit with [Esc]"
Nos = 0 : start1x
aTotal = Nos
Nos = 0 : startx1
bTotal = Nos
Print AT(5, 6); "a ="; Str(aTotal, 5);
Print AT(5, 7); "b ="; Str(bTotal, 5);
Total = aTotal + bTotal
Print AT(5, 8); "c ="; Str(Total, 5); " * "; TrfRed; " *"; StoRed
Print AT(5, 9); "c ="; TrfRed * StoRed * Total
Print : Print " Calculation-time in s: " ; Round(Timer - StartTime, 3)
' File-Output
Print # 1, "a ="; aTotal
Print # 1, "b ="; bTotal
Print # 1, "c ="; TrfRed * StoRed * Total
Nos = 0 : StartTime = Timer : Loop
End Proc
Proc start1x() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
i11 = -1 : st(i11) = 0
Print AT(10, 1); "-1 xx xx xx xx xx";
For i21 = 0 To 31 : st(i21) = 0
Print AT(13, 1); Dec(i21, 2);
For i31 = i21 + 1 To 33 : If st(i31) : st(i31) = 0
Print AT(16, 1); Dec(i31, 2);
Print AT(35, 1); Str(Nos, 7)
For i41 = i31 + 1 To 34 : If st(i41) : st(i41) = 0
For i51 = i21 + 1 To 34 : If st(i51) : st(i51) = 0
i61 = 99 - (i11 + i21 + i31 + i41 + i51) : If st(i61) : st(i61) = 0
st(i61) = 1 : End If
st(i51) = 1 : End If : End For
st(i41) = 1 : End If : End For
st(i31) = 1 : End If : End For
st(i21) = 1 : End For
st(i11) = 1
End Proc
Proc upDiagonal_a() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
For i16 = i61 + 1 To 34 : If st(i16) : st(i16) = 0
Repeat : i52 = Rand(35) : Until st(i52) : st(i52) = 0
Repeat : i25 = Rand(35) : Until st(i25) : st(i25) = 0
i34 = 0 : i43 = 99 - i16 - i25 - i52 - i61
If i43 > 34 Then i34 = i43 - 34 : i43 = 34
Do While i34 < i43
If st(i34) And st(i43)
st(i34) = 0 : st(i43) = 0
st(i34) = 1 : st(i43) = 1
End If
i34++ : i43-- : Loop
st(i25) = 1
st(i52) = 1
st(i16) = 1 : End If : End For
' m*gic ~col2~rnd2~lft34~nxt downdiagonal
Proc Col_2_a() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
Repeat : i26 = Rand(35) : Until st(i26) : st(i26) = 0
Repeat : i22 = Rand(35) : Until st(i22) : st(i22) = 0
i23 = 0 : i24 = 99 - i21 - i22 - i25 - i26
If i24 > 34 Then i23 = i24 - 34 : i24 = 34
Do While i23 < i24
If st(i23) And st(i24)
st(i23) = 0 : st(i24) = 0
st(i23) = 1 : st(i24) = 1
End If
i23++ : i24-- : Loop
st(i22) = 1
st(i26) = 1
Proc startx1() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
i21 = -1 : st(i21) = 0
Print AT(13, 1); "-1 xx xx xx xx";
For i11 = 0 To 33 : st(i11) = 0
Print AT(10, 1); Dec(i11, 2);
For i61 = i11 + 1 To 34 : If st(i61) : st(i61) = 0
Print AT(25, 1); Dec(i61, 2);
Print AT(48, 1); Str(Nos, 7)
For i51 = 0 To 33 : If st(i51) : st(i51) = 0
i31 = 0 : i41 = 99 - i11 - i21 - i51 - i61
If i41 > 34 Then i31 = i41 - 34 : i41 = 34
Do While i31 < i41
If st(i31) And st(i41)
st(i31) = 0 : st(i41) = 0
st(i31) = 1 : st(i41) = 1
End If
i31++ : i41-- : Loop
st(i51) = 1 : End If : End For
st(i61) = 1 : End If : End For
st(i11) = 1 : End For
st(i21) = 1
Proc Col_2_b() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
For i26 = i51 + 1 To 34 : If st(i26) : st(i26) = 0
Repeat : i22 = Rand(35) : Until st(i22) : st(i22) = 0
Repeat : i25 = Rand(35) : Until st(i25) : st(i25) = 0
i23 = 0 : i24 = 99 - i21 - i22 - i25 - i26
If i24 > 34 Then i23 = i24 - 34 : i24 = 34
Do While i23 < i24
If st(i23) And st(i24)
st(i23) = 0 : st(i24) = 0
st(i23) = 1 : st(i24) = 1
End If
i23++ : i24-- : Loop
st(i25) = 1
st(i22) = 1
st(i26) = 1 : End If : End For
Proc upDiagonal_b() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
Repeat : i16 = Rand(35) : Until st(i16) : st(i16) = 0
Repeat : i52 = Rand(35) : Until st(i52) : st(i52) = 0
i34 = 0 : i43 = 99 - i16 - i25 - i52 - i61
If i43 > 34 Then i34 = i43 - 34 : i43 = 34
Do While i34 < i43
If st(i34) And st(i43)
st(i34) = 0 : st(i43) = 0
st(i34) = 1 : st(i43) = 1
End If
i34++ : i43-- : Loop
st(i52) = 1
st(i16) = 1
' m*gic ~col2~rnd2~lft34~nxt downdiagonal
Proc downDiagonal() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
Repeat : i55 = Rand(35) : Until st(i55) : st(i55) = 0
Repeat : i66 = Rand(35) : Until st(i66) : st(i66) = 0
Repeat : i33 = Rand(35) : Until st(i33) : st(i33) = 0
i44 = 99 - i11 - i22 - i33 - i55 - i66 : If st(i44) : st(i44) = 0
st(i44) = 1 : End If
st(i33) = 1
st(i66) = 1
st(i55) = 1
' m*gic ~col5~rnd6~lft34~nxt row_6
Proc Col_5() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
Repeat : i56 = Rand(35) : Until st(i56) : st(i56) = 0
Repeat : i53 = Rand(35) : Until st(i53) : st(i53) = 0
i54 = 99 - i51 - i52 - i53 - i55 - i56
If st(i54) : st(i54) = 0
st(i54) = 1 : End If
st(i53) = 1
st(i56) = 1
' m*gic ~row6~lft34~nxt col_3
Proc Row_6() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
i36 = 0 : i46 = 99 - i16 - i26 - i56 - i66
If i46 > 34 Then i36 = i46 - 34 : i46 = 34
Do While i36 < i46
If st(i36) And st(i46)
st(i36) = 0 : st(i46) = 0
Dim h As Register Int
Col_3 : h = i36 : i36 = i46 : i46 = h
Col_3 : h = i34 : i34 = i43 : i43 = h
Col_3 : h = i36 : i36 = i46 : i46 = h
Col_3 : h = i34 : i34 = i43 : i43 = h
st(i36) = 1 : st(i46) = 1
End If
i36++ : i46-- : Loop
' m*gic ~col3~lft25~nxt col_4
Proc Col_3() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
i32 = 0 : i35 = 99 - i31 - i33 - i34 - i36
If i35 > 34 Then i32 = i35 - 34 : i35 = 34
Do While i32 < i35
If st(i32) And st(i35)
st(i32) = 0 : st(i35) = 0
st(i32) = 1 : st(i35) = 1
End If
i32++ : i35-- : Loop
Proc Col_4() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
Dim h As Register Int
i42 = 0 : i45 = 99 - i41 - i43 - i44 - i46
If i45 > 34 Then i42 = i45 - 34 : i45 = 34
Do While i42 < i45
If st(i42) And st(i45)
st(i42) = 0 : st(i45) = 0
Row_3 : h = i23 : i23 = i24 : i24 = h
Row_3 : h = i23 : i23 = i24 : i24 = h
st(i42) = 1 : st(i45) = 1
End If
i42++ : i45-- : Loop
' m*gic ~row3~lft16~nxt row_4
Proc Row_3() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
i13 = 0 : i63 = 99 - i23 - i33 - i43 - i53
If i63 > 34 Then i13 = i63 - 34 : i63 = 34
Do While i13 < i63
If st(i13) And st(i63)
st(i13) = 0 : st(i63) = 0
st(i13) = 1 : st(i63) = 1
End If
i13++ : i63-- : Loop
' m*gic ~row4~lft16~nxt lastcells
Proc Row_4() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
i14 = 0 : i64 = 99 - i24 - i34 - i44 - i54
If i64 > 34 Then i14 = i64 - 34 : i64 = 34
Do While i14 < i64
If st(i14) And st(i64)
st(i14) = 0 : st(i64) = 0
Dim h As Register Int
LastCells : h = i42 : i42 = i45 : i45 = h
LastCells : h = i32 : i32 = i35 : i35 = h
LastCells : h = i42 : i42 = i45 : i45 = h
LastCells : h = i32 : i32 = i35 : i35 = h
st(i14) = 1 : st(i64) = 1
End If
i14++ : i64-- : Loop
Proc LastCells() Naked
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
i12 = 0 : i62 = 99 - (i22 + i32 + i42 + i52)
If i62 > 34 Then i12 = i62 - 34 : i62 = 34
Do While i12 < i62
If st(i12) And st(i62)
st(i12) = 0 : st(i62) = 0
Dim h As Register Int
Dim c1 As Register Int
c1 = 99 - i11 - i13 - i16
h = i12 : i12 = i62 : i62 = h : i15 = c1 - i12 - i14 : If st(i15) Then Nos++
h = i14 : i14 = i64 : i64 = h : i15 = c1 - i12 - i14 : If st(i15) Then Nos++
h = i12 : i12 = i62 : i62 = h : i15 = c1 - i12 - i14 : If st(i15) Then Nos++
h = i14 : i14 = i64 : i64 = h : i15 = c1 - i12 - i14 : If st(i15) Then Nos++
h = i13 : i13 = i63 : i63 = h
c1 = 99 - i11 - i13 - i16
h = i12 : i12 = i62 : i62 = h : i15 = c1 - i12 - i14 : If st(i15) Then Nos++
h = i14 : i14 = i64 : i64 = h : i15 = c1 - i12 - i14 : If st(i15) Then Nos++
h = i12 : i12 = i62 : i62 = h : i15 = c1 - i12 - i14 : If st(i15) Then Nos++
h = i14 : i14 = i64 : i64 = h : i15 = c1 - i12 - i14 : If st(i15) Then Nos++
h = i13 : i13 = i63 : i63 = h
st(i12) = 1 : st(i62) = 1
End If
i12++ : i62-- : Loop
End Proc
Proc Test
$StepOff : $ArrayCheckOff
Local Int k
i65 = 99 - i61 - i62 - i63 - i64 - i66
st(i15) = 0 : st(i65) = 0
For k = -1 To 34
If st(k) <> 0 Then Fehler(100 + k)
End For
st(i15) = 1 : st(i65) = 1
' rows
If i11 + i21 + i31 + i41 + i51 + i61 <> 99
Fehler(11) : End If
If i12 + i22 + i32 + i42 + i52 + i62 <> 99
Fehler(12) : End If
If i13 + i23 + i33 + i43 + i53 + i63 <> 99
Fehler(13) : End If
If i14 + i24 + i34 + i44 + i54 + i64 <> 99
Fehler(14) : End If
If i15 + i25 + i35 + i45 + i55 + i65 <> 99
Fehler(15) : End If
If i16 + i26 + i36 + i46 + i56 + i66 <> 99
Fehler(16) : End If
' columns
If i11 + i12 + i13 + i14 + i15 + i16 <> 99
Fehler(21) : End If
If i21 + i22 + i23 + i24 + i25 + i26 <> 99
Fehler(22) : End If
If i31 + i32 + i33 + i34 + i35 + i36 <> 99
Fehler(23) : End If
If i41 + i42 + i43 + i44 + i45 + i46 <> 99
Fehler(24) : End If
If i51 + i52 + i53 + i54 + i55 + i56 <> 99
Fehler(25) : End If
If i61 + i62 + i63 + i64 + i65 + i66 <> 99
Fehler(26) : End If
' downward
If i11 + i22 + i33 + i44 + i55 + i66 <> 99
Fehler(31) : End If
' upward
If i61 + i52 + i43 + i34 + i25 + i16 <> 99
Fehler(41) : End If
Proc Fehler(f)
Color RGB(255, 0, 0)
If f < 100
Print AT(40 + 4 * (f Div 10), 2 + 2 * (f Mod 10)); Dec(f, 2);
Print AT(40, 10); Dec(f, 3);
End If
Color RGB(0, 0, 0)
Proc SquareWrite
Print AT(1, 18); "-- Square " + Dec(Nos, 5) + " --"
Print " " + Dec(i11, 2) + " " + Dec(i21, 2) + " " + Dec(i31, 2) + " " + Dec(i41, 2) + " " + Dec(i51, 2) + " " + Dec(i61, 2)
Print " " + Dec(i12, 2) + " " + Dec(i22, 2) + " " + Dec(i32, 2) + " " + Dec(i42, 2) + " " + Dec(i52, 2) + " " + Dec(i62, 2)
Print " " + Dec(i13, 2) + " " + Dec(i23, 2) + " " + Dec(i33, 2) + " " + Dec(i43, 2) + " " + Dec(i53, 2) + " " + Dec(i63, 2)
Print " " + Dec(i14, 2) + " " + Dec(i24, 2) + " " + Dec(i34, 2) + " " + Dec(i44, 2) + " " + Dec(i54, 2) + " " + Dec(i64, 2)
Print " " + Dec(i15, 2) + " " + Dec(i25, 2) + " " + Dec(i35, 2) + " " + Dec(i45, 2) + " " + Dec(i55, 2) + " " + Dec(i65, 2)
Print " " + Dec(i16, 2) + " " + Dec(i26, 2) + " " + Dec(i36, 2) + " " + Dec(i46, 2) + " " + Dec(i56, 2) + " " + Dec(i66, 2)
Proc sqEnd
Do : Sleep : Until Me Is Nothing
Close # 1 : End
Sub Win_1_KeyPress(Ascii&)
PeekEvent : PeekEvent : PeekEvent : PeekEvent
If Ascii& = VK_ESCAPE
PeekEvent : PeekEvent : PeekEvent : PeekEvent
If Alert(1, "Do you want to stop the calculation|and exit the program?", 1, "Exit|Continue") = 1
PeekEvent : PeekEvent : PeekEvent : PeekEvent
CloseW 1 : Close # 1 : End
End If : End If
End Sub